OUR STRATEGIC PLAN is one of many commissioned in 2012 by our Pastor Rev. Arthur T. Gerald, Jr. as a foundation and guide for the works of the ministries of Twelfth Baptist Church.
To take the Word outside the walls of this church by expanded media usage and being a multimedia research and learning center for the Christian community.
- How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? Romans 10:14.
- Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalms 51:10
Public Address, for Sunday services and other church activities
- Set up microphones and operate equipment to reinforce public speaking and musical presentations to sanctuary.
- Operate audio equipment for distributing audio to areas of the church outside the sanctuary.
- Video Recording and Distribution
- Set up video cameras and operate equipment to capture and distribute the sanctuary visual activities along with its audio component to other areas of the church.
- Record the video and audio proceedings in the sanctuary and other areas for documentation, distribution, sale and broadcast.
Sick and Shut-In services
- Provide video recordings for those who can’t come to regular services or events because of confinement or inability.
- Teaching and Learning ResourceProvide library of speakers, topics, history, and any other recordings for study, review and edification from recorded archives.
- Provide mentoring and training opportunities for those interested in developing and contributing skill in the area of Audio Video and Media production and operations.
Photo Documentation
- Provide photo documentation of church life for annual reports and special projects.
- Provide library of photos for research, documentation and historic purposes.
- To hold each other up before the Lord, as we strive to do His will.
- To share ministry resources with other churches who may need training and development opportunities
- To participate in field trips and workshops to further develop AV ministry competence, passion, and capacity.
The functioning of this ministry is shared between two teams that are asked to serve a total of six alternating months out of each year; the Ministry Director is responsible for overall coordination of the ministry
- Ministry Director
- Technical Director
- Even Team Leader
- Odd Team Leader
- Sales Team Leader
- Photo Team Leader
- Camera Operator
- PA Mixer Operator
- Video Mixer Operator
- Audio Mixer / Recordist
- Video Recordist
- Photographer
If you are led to serve the kingdom in this vital ministry of our church. please contact the central office of Twelfth Baptist Church at 617 442 7855 of email [email protected].
Administrative: Rev. Arthur T. Gerald, Jr. (Pastor), Clarence Bell (Trustee & Editor), Michael Brathwaite (Diaconate)
Auxiliary: George Richardson, Ruthie Phillip (Honorary)
Full Time: Alma Wright, Heather Brathwaite, Jefferson Roach, Lauren Crockton, Markel Crockton, Valarie Jean Brown-Johnson
Photography Director: Denise L. Burton
Sales and Distribution: Francis Glenn-Chalmers, Stephanie Janey (BookShelf)
College Students: Anthony Creary, Brianna Richardson, Bryan Richardson, Marnier Crockton,
Team Leaders: Brenda Richardson: (Co-Director) Sidney Burton, Jr.
Director: Sidney H. Burton Jr.
Assistant Director: Brenda Richardson
Deacon Representative: Michael Brathwaite
Trustee Representative: Clarence W. Bell, Jr.