Twelfth Baptist Church Audio Visual MinistryJOIN US and be part of a ministry that performs many essential roles in todays modern church. We are seeking members who are called and willing to bring their gifts and talents to the table, as well as learn and apply them to the Lord’s service.

LIVE PRODUCTION is mainly done on Sundays and special events where Sound Reinforcement and Distribution is needed, you can help setup mics, in sanctuary and Hester Hall as well as learn to control the systems in in each location and the recordings in the control room. The companion part of this is Video where Video Cameras are used to capture the preceding’ for mixing distribution and recording.

POST PRODUCTION when we record the various programs we can edit (re-arrange and modify)  the computer recording for Cable TV, YouTube, DVDs, CDs and other special purposes.
PHOTO DUCUMENTATION  Provide photo documentation of church life for annual reports and special projects. Provide library of photos for research, documentation and historic purposes.

VISION STATEMENT To be a multimedia research and learning center for the Christian community.

MISSION STATEMENT To distribute the sound and visuals of church worship and special services throughout the sanctuary and various church facilities. To take the Word outside the walls of this church through various media outlets

Overview The goal is to rebuild the ministry to have at least (2) Eight member Sunday production teams, that can serve on alternating months for at least one year. Members are charged to be willing to serve with consistency, and commitment. Junior members are welcome with parental consent.

TRAININGS: will be conducted weekly on Sunday’s before and during service as well as Wednesday evenings. Trainings will consisting of various techniques, concepts and practical 60-90 minute sessions. Members will function in various positions during actual services as they are available and prepared to serve.

Teaching and Skill Development. Provide mentoring and training opportunities for those interested in developing and contributing skill in the area of Audio Video and Media production and operations.

Sick and Shut-In services Provide video recordings for those who can’t come to regular services or events because of confinement or inability.

Fellowship To hold each other up before the Lord, as we strive to do His will.

To share ministry resources with other churches who may need training and development opportunities

To participate in field trips and workshops to further develop AV ministry competence,


MINISTRY DIRECTOR: Oversees ministry, vision, mission, administration, and members and is responsible for overall coordination of the ministry and Reports to Senior Pastor

TECHNICAL DIRECTOR: Oversees operation of physical equipment and strategic application of supportive technologies: Assists and Reports to ministry director.

MINISTRY SECRETARY: Keep all ministry records and facilitates communications.

TEAM LEADER: Coordinates AV services during team Live Production times. Working knowledge of all related tasks.

SALES TEAM LEADER: Coordinates, fulfillment of sales orders and distribution of products

PHOTO TEAM LEADER: Coordinates photo documentation, photographers, service teams and vendors.

PA MIXER OPERATOR: – sets up and operates Public address systems in Sanctuary, Hester Hall, Shaw Hall, and other locations.

VIDEO MIXER OPERATOR: Operates video switcher, and instructs camera operators.

AUDIO MIXER / RECORDIST: set up and operate audio mixing systems for AV recording and distribution systems.

TAPE LOGGER: performs data entry services to track events and facilitators of recorded events.

VIDEO RECORDIST: Sets up and operates DVD and Hard Disk Video recording systems

PHOTOGRAPHY: Operates still photography systems to capture people and events in for TBC usage.

MONITOR OPERATOR: Set-Up and operate video projection and display unit.

GRAPHICS OPERATOR: Set-Up Scripture, lyrics, and accouchements and other text for display on monitors.

TRAINERS: Skilled persons who facilitate skill and capacity development of members in various learning tracts.

If you are led to serve the kingdom in this vital ministry of our church. please contact the central office of Twelfth Baptist Church at 617 442 7855 of email avministry@tbcboston.org.

Director: Sidney H. Burton Jr.
Assistant Director: Brenda Richardson
Deacon Representative: Michael Brathwaite
Trustee Representative: Clarence W. Bell, Jr.